CARES has allowed us to invest in young scientists from all over the world
with an interest in research to unravel the mysteries of cardiac arrhythmias

Educated and Informed

CARES serves as an excellent source for physicians seeking a more thorough understanding of the cardiac conduction system and the pathology of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.


Advanced Technology

CARES focuses on the patient as an integral member of the coronary restorative and healing process. There is no better opportunity for physicians to understand the role of electric stimulation of the heart.

Global Mentee Opportunities

The goal of CARES is to promote scientific research and academic clinical exposure to current practice in the field of cardiac arrhythmias by reaching out globally. Find out more

 "CARES" (Cardiac Arrhythmia Research Enhancement Support Group)

A nonprofit organization dedicated to support the urgently needed research in the area of cardiac arrhythmia, which causes the untimely deaths of more than 1200 victims every 24 hours - 365 days a year. Regrettably, many of these people, old and young, could still be alive today had the proper care, information and treatment been made available to them.

CARES was instituted as a support group primarily funded by the arrhythmia patients at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. In the last few years, this group has endeavored to enhance cardiac arrhythmia management, research and especially, education in this country and around the world. We were fortunate to conduct regular high end arrhythmia education seminars for young electrophysioiogists from around the country. Also, CARES has allowed us to invest in young scientists from all over the world with an interest in research to unravel the mysteries of cardiac arrhythmias under the guidance of Dr. Peng-Sheng Chen at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. We have even managed to bring advanced diagnostic and interventional electrophysiology to the far concerns of the world including Kathmandu, Nepal and Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Our goal is to raise both money and awareness, to help support the research necessary to learn why so many of our friends and neighbors develop heart arrhythmia and, to develop better methods of prevention and treatment.